I Love Water – by Stan Gorecki
I love water. I love playing in it at Long Point, paddling down the Grand River, water fights in Lake Huron, looking out over Lake Ontario from Cherry Beach, and… Continue reading "I Love Water – by Stan Gorecki"
Local Content, Locally Owned, Locally Produced.
I love water. I love playing in it at Long Point, paddling down the Grand River, water fights in Lake Huron, looking out over Lake Ontario from Cherry Beach, and… Continue reading "I Love Water – by Stan Gorecki"
When I was in my early 20’s and could finally afford some of the things I really wanted, I could only think of one thing. A brown leather jacket. One… Continue reading "If You Build It – by Dave Carrol"
In the past eight months, I have had the pleasure of working with dozens of local musicians from Brantford and the surrounding area. The genres, varying from gospel to metal,… Continue reading "Raccoon Marriage, Two Year Twerps And A Guy Named Rob – by Tristan Curtis"
Father, Daughter and family prepare to walk down the aisle at the Ford-Edmondson wedding at Mohawk Park in Brantford. My partner and I are coming into a time where weddings… Continue reading "Beks in The City October Edition – by Bekah Pitts"
I’m 16 years old. So far, in my short life, I can say I have done things that the average teenager, or even a 30 year old, has never done.… Continue reading "Learning To Lead – by Sonia Hayer"
I have worked at the Sexual Assault Centre here in Brantford for over nine years. What drew me to the Centre was their emphasis on social justice work. They understood… Continue reading "Taylor the Turtle (Carrie Sinkowski, @CSinkowski)"
Featured image courtesy of Empirical Photographic Arts. Heroism is not an exclusive club only available to those who have done brave things like giving the Heimlich to a stranger or… Continue reading "Bill Williams: Everyday Hero – by Tina Draycott"
It’s been quite some time since I’ve had the pleasure of writing to the voters of Brant Riding. During my 22 years as the MP for Brant I would have… Continue reading "We asked Derek Blackburn why NDP on October 6th?"
It is my great pleasure to be involved with The Advocate’s take of the provincial election. I believe that this publication has taken a fresh approach to informing you, the… Continue reading "We asked Phil Gillies why PC on October 6th?"
I commend the Advocate for its initiative in providing an opportunity for residents in our area to make as informed a choice as possible in the upcoming provincial election on… Continue reading "We asked Lloyd St. Amand why Liberal on Oct 6th?"