Worlds Apart (Becca Vandekemp, @beccavdk)
Listening to her story was one of the most humbling things I have ever done. As I sat with her sipping chai tea from tin cups in her cow dung… Continue reading "Worlds Apart (Becca Vandekemp, @beccavdk)"
Local Content, Locally Owned, Locally Produced.
Listening to her story was one of the most humbling things I have ever done. As I sat with her sipping chai tea from tin cups in her cow dung… Continue reading "Worlds Apart (Becca Vandekemp, @beccavdk)"
It was well over 30 degrees Celsius in the small, hot apartment in Tel Aviv. The only potential ventilation was a small window, high up on one wall. Strewn about… Continue reading "One Night in Tel Aviv – by Adam Hislop"
As a long time worker in the anti-violence field, I have made a conscious effort to connect local experiences of violence to ones in the international arena. The first time… Continue reading "Brantford: Part of a Global Community (Carrie Sinkowski, @CSinkowski)"